LItoFAM - Essence of Chicken

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LItoFAM 極寵部落營養精華系列


Use hormone-free and pesticide-free black-feathered native chickens. Each pack of chicken essence concentrates the essence of half a native chicken. It contains a variety of proteins and collagen, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and is also rich in vitamin A, C, E. It has the effect of restoring physical strength and strengthening gastrointestinal digestion for dogs and cats after surgery and during illness
Normal temperature,
How to eat:
(1) Eat directly after opening
(2) The package is heated directly in water and then poured out for consumption

Available for all dog breeds &all cat breeds. 2-5KG 1 pack; 5-10KG 2 packs; 10-15KG 3 packs; 15-20KG 4 packs; above 20KG 5 packs
Follow the recommendations on the packaging.

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